Gatorland To Host CrocFest 2021 on Dec 11 Benefitting Critically Endangered Orinoco Crocodile


Gatorland, The Alligator Capital of the World, will proudly host for the first time on Dec. 11, 2021, CrocFest, the annual fundraising event for crocodiles in peril, which has raised more than $600,000 in the last 11 years. This year’s event will support the release and satellite tracking of a group of head-started Orinoco crocodiles, Crocodylus intermedius, raised at several U.S. zoos for the sole purpose of re-introducing these fascinating crocodiles into their natural habitats in Venezuela.

The Orinoco crocodile is listed by the International Union For Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as Critically Endangered, with an estimated 1,500 animals left in the wild, mostly in Venezuela. It is the largest “New World” crocodilian, brought to near-extinction in the mid-1900s by unsustainable hunting for hides. Their eggs and meat are still taken for food, and their teeth are thought by some locals to have healing powers. Conservation efforts to date include the establishment of a national park, Parque National Santos Luzardo, and headstart/release programs for young crocodiles whose eggs were harvested from wild nests to ensure their survival. Funds raised through CrocFest will provide much-needed resources to support the headstart program as well as track the crocodiles’ long-term viability in a country where crocodiles are currently afforded little protection.

CrocFest will be held from noon to 8:30 p.m on Dec. 11, with attendees entering a separate entrance at the South End of Gatorland.  Tickets are $30 donation for adults, $10 for students ages 5 to 17.  Children under age 5 are free.  Admission includes dinner and drinks, including soft drinks, water, and beer, with drinks available starting at 3 p.m. and dinner served at 4 p.m.  Event shirts will be on sale, and a silent auction will take place at 6 p.m.  For more CrocFest information and to purchase tickets in advance, go to:

And as always, be sure to follow ThrillGeek on Twitter and Facebook for the latest updates from Gatorland.

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