Dogtober Fest Kicks Off at Kennywood


Hundreds of dogs, decked out in their most fashionable Halloween costumes, took a morning stroll around Kennywood all for a good cause. The park’s first-ever Dogtober Fest Halloween Parade & Costume Contest started with a festive pooch procession past the Jack Rabbit, Merry Go Round and more, capping off with a Halloween costume contest.

Prizes were awarded for best costume in categories such as Cutest, Creepiest, and Most Creative. Also in attendance were local “Dogfluencers” Forest and Oakley to help judge the costume contest. Every registered guest who attended received a ticket for a return visit to Kennywood.

1st place winners –

Cutest: Izzy, an 11 year old Yorkie

Creepiest: Bruno, a 1 year old Pomeranian Husky

Most Creative:  Remy, a 4 year old Labradoodle and Gizmo, a 1 year old Bernedoodle

Kennywood partnered with Who Rescued Who Humane Society and donated more than 1500 pounds of dog food. It’s all part of the park’s 20th season of Halloween fun, Phantom Fall Fest, which continues tomorrow and next weekend, October 28-30.

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